
Showing posts from November, 2018

In the land of Tolkien

For the next couple of days, on the way back from Liverpool, we managed to pass by Sarehole near Birmingham.  This was the childhood location for Tolkien.  We were able to acquire access for filming at the old mill that Tolkien spoke about years later.  It represented a time prior to major development in the UK where man and nature had a beautiful relationship, especially in the eyes of a child. Further south, in Chinnor and Oxford, we were able to create two additional reenactments of Tolkien with his girlfriend and wife, Edith.  A playful example of their courtship, and the harsh reality of saying goodbye when one goes off to war become great insight to the man known as J.R.R. Tolkien. Jock Petersen Director/Producer

Home of the Fab 4

Liverpool has quite a rich history that the Beatles can only claim a small piece of.  For centuries it has remained one of the most important ports to the island of Great Britain.  The Albert Docks have been kept up and retain the look of long ago, so this provided a wonderful backdrop to have Joe Loconte discuss the importance of the ports in World War I.  Ports like Liverpool moved thousands of men on a daily basis to the shores of France, to then be transported by train to the front lines.  We were blessed to have been given access to these ports and other great spots throughout Liverpool. Advantages like this allow us to achieve such a high production value for such little expense.  While we are yet to be fully funded for this project, we have been able to do so much with what we have. We are so grateful. Jock Petersen Director/Producer

Day by day

Our days have been filled with some fantastic reenactments, fabulous interviews, amazing host segments, and gorgeous scenery.  It appears we have travelled over 3000 miles and been in 3 different countries.  Following will be a presentation of each days achievements. Leaving Hastings, having finished at the boarding school we shot at, we travelled North to meet up with one of the foremost authorities on Tolkien and his World War I experience.  John Garth provided some fabulous insight into Tolkien's life and how the war effected his life and his works. Jock Petersen Director/Producer

Truly amazing!

We have had an amazing start to this 2nd chapter of our production. We hit the ground running from Panavision, London, thanks to their generous donations.  From there we secured an an abandoned boarding school in Hastings to create some amazing reenactments.  With today's early call in Liverpool, we shall get to work, but enjoy these shots from our reenactments.